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 Normatively according to Indonesian positive law, in Article 1 paragraph 1 of Law No. 40 of 1999 on the Press. Pengertianpers is a social institution and mass communication vehicle for conducting journalistic covering seek, obtain, possess, store, process, and convey information in the form of text, sound, images, sounds and images as well as data and graphs as well as in other forms by using the print media , electronic media, and all available channels.

While journalism or journalism comes from the words of the journal, meaning diary, or notes about daily events, or it could also mean the newspaper. Journal derived from the Latin word diurnalis, meaning daily or every hari.Menurut MacDougall journalism is an activity to collect news, look for the facts, and report the incident.

UU no. 40 of 1999 on the Press:

The press is a social institution and a vehicle for conducting mass communication journalism covering seek, obtain, possess, store, process, and convey information in the form of text, sounds, images, sound and images, as well as data and graphs as well as in other forms by using print media, electronic media, and all available channels.

R EEP Saefulloh Fatah:

The press is the fourth pillar of democracy (the fourth estate of democracy), and has an important role in building trust, credibility, and even the legitimacy of the government