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 The press is the art or skill of searching, collecting, processing, preparing, and presenting the news about events that occur daily in the beautiful, in order to meet all the needs of the conscience of the audience.

Wilbur Schramm:

In his book Four Theories of the Press, which was written by Wilbur Schramm et al propose four largest theories of the press, namely the authotarian, the libertarians, the social responsibility and the soviet communist theory. The fourth theory refers to the notion of the press as an observer, a teacher, and a forum expressed his views on many issues that surfaced amid mesyarakat.


Release as the extended man, namely that connect one place to another place, and events with other events at the same moment.

Raden Mas Djokomono:

The press is the shaping of public opinion through writing in the newspaper. This opinion is capable of burning spirit of the warrior in the fight for the rights of the Indonesian Nation Dutch colonial period

2.3 Activity Journalism

However, if we are also basing on Article 1 paragraph 1 of Law No. 40 of 1999 on the Press, the journalistic activities covering seek, obtain, possess, store, process, and convey information in the form of text, sound, images, sounds and images as well as data and graphs as well as in other forms using print media, electronic media , and all available channels.

2.4 Relations with the Press Journalism

Press and journalism is an entity that is engaged in broadcasting information, entertainment, information, and penerangan.Artinya is that between the press and journalism have a close relationship. The press as a medium of mass communication will not be useful if the grain away from the principles of journalism. Instead journalistic work will not be useful without being distributed by the press as a medium, even be said that the press is a special media for use in creating and delivering work of journalism to the public (Kustadi Suhandang, 2004: 40).